Why mental health matters in the workplace

Published by HealthFitness on March 31st, 2023

Mental health and emotional wellbeing are a top employer priority and with good reason. There is a significant link between physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace and productivity. Companies can suffer when workers experience negative emotions and burnout, especially with employee stress at an all-time high.

According to Gallup, 55% of workers consider themselves to be struggling with their stress and wellbeing, while 11% consider themselves to be suffering. Gallup research also indicates that increased physical exercise of any kind can improve depression symptoms experienced by people of all ages.

At HealthFitness, we know the mental health of the workforce is a top concern of our clients. Here are the top ways our clients are supporting the mental health of their employees on a limited budget.

1. De-stress stations. Many companies provide resources, time and space for employees to de-stress with calming activities, like jigsaw puzzles, word games and mindfulness coloring books.

2. Time off for mental health. A large technology company launched a "Days for Me" program, giving employees up to four days a year to focus on their mental health. Another tech company with a global presence hosts Global Wellness Days, Global Shutdowns and No Meeting Fridays to recognize the need to take breaks throughout the year and to focus on mental and physical health without interruption.

3. More group classes. To promote mental health, clients are providing extra group exercise classes such as yoga, meditation, and stretch breaks—both in-person and virtual. Companies are also offering more stress management, resilience, and mindfulness classes and health challenges that concentrate on reducing stress. Examples include a Wellness Bingo Challenge, where employees’ complete tasks from all the wellness dimensions; and a Stretch Your Health mini-challenge that encourages workers to take a break and includes stretching to increase flexibility and decrease injuries.

4. Reduce risk of burnout. A large pharma company shared a Managing Burnout Toolkit with employees that contained resources and information on the cause and symptoms of burnout, action and habits to help recover and reduce risk. They also launched the Mentally Fit Institute to let employees know where to find resilience, stress and mindfulness workshops.

5. Fitness challenges. Our clients help employees have fun and add movement to their day with interactive challenges--time bound, trackable activities that boost serotonin and increase happiness. 

6. Take a break to educate. A leading energy company provides mental health breaks--short 15-minute presentations targeted toward service center employees that promote breathing exercises, mental health self checks and promotion of employee assistance program services.

7. Unwind in the Zen room. Many companies have created Meditation rooms (or Zen rooms) to provide a space that is stress free. The rooms provide a calm place for employees to unwind and is furnished with comfortable chairs, soothing lighting, meditative music and scenic artwork.

8. Caring and connecting. By emphasizing recreation programs, games, challenges, and contests, we have helped companies build a more positive, fun culture on-site to encourage people to return to the office. One company organized a 5K Your Way event to encourage people to walk, run, or ride five kilometers. They even had food truck rodeo at the end of the course!

9. Mental Health First Aid. A growing number of companies are raising awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health by becoming Mental Health First Aid certified. Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based education program (similar to CPR) that trains participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. And with the growing number of working parents, our clients are also providing Youth Mental Health First Aid certification.

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